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Loom weaving technique | Textil

Kľúčové slová: Textile, loom, weaving.

Loom weaving technique

Názov: Loom weaving technique
Kategória: Textil
Krajina: Spain
Vytvorené: IWS
Zdroj: Peasantartcraft


- The items represented in the image are different handmade rugs with different colours.
- The technique used, is called “loom weaving technique” which implies using a loom machine.
- The material used is textile, silk.
- The area of origin in Spain of rug techniques is the province of Almeria, in the villages of Finana and Pechina, which were the main producers of the woven silk from 10th to 13th century. Nowadays the city of production of the rugs is Nijar along with Laujar de Andarax.
The video shows the way the loom is used to create this craft-made rugs.

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