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Vistea stone - traditional carving techniques | Marmura, piatra si ghips

Keywords: carving techniques, Vistea stone,

Vistea stone - traditional carving techniques

Titlu: Vistea stone - traditional carving techniques
Categorie: Marmura, piatra si ghips
Tara: Romania/Transilvania
Furnizat de: Edunet


The video presents how the stone of Vistea is processed using modern techniques (with mechanical cutter and a grinder) but also traditional methods of carving the stone with chisel and hammer, methods transmitted cross generations.

In the workshop the work is done manually, except cutting limestone wich is done with a mechanical cutter and the grinder.

After the stone blocks are extracted from the quarry they are working on lathe and the final plates are carved manually, using the chisel and the hammer, to give value and to enrich the stone. The results are hand-crafted finished products such as: statues, massive columns, chapters but also industrial products: stairs, windows, horizontal and vertical plywood, interior decorations, sidewalks.

The craftsmen and the limestone of Vistea have a centuries-old history in the stone carving, the craft being passed from generation to generation, 80% of the working population from Vistea village works with stone.

The Vistea limestone has several advantages that have made it famous: the pleasant color (white, yellow or blue, depends on which career is extracted), it is durable and has good mechanical properties. In addition, it is abundant in the hills near Cluj.

The name of the village Vistea has been linked, over the years, to the natural stone that made it famous in Central and South-Eastern Europe, the village being certified in the 13th century.
