What is NOT a good way to protect your data and privacy?
Not accepting any friend requests on your social networks
Storeìing the security passwords on your device
Saving all your passwords in the cloud

Can anyone use Wordpress to market their products?
Yes, no previous experience with Wordpress is necessary
Wordpress is not widely used nowadays, we recommend using other products
Everyone with experience can manage it, even all by him/herself

What will it take to start selling once we create our online store?
Nothing, you just need to open our website to the public to sell automatically.
We will need a search engine optimization expert.
A commercial to advertise our products on the Internet.

What types of passwords are best for your devices?
The best thing is not to put passwords, so you don't have problems
The simplest possible, so you never forget it
The more complicated and more strange characters and numbers, the better.

Is it safe to pay by credit or debit card using the wiifi of a hotel, restaurant or public place?
In hotels, yes, they are closed places. In the rest if they are open places, no.
No, it is better to avoid paying with a card if the wiifi is not reliable
Of course, there is no problem