Team building and development


Team building and development
Team development, Tuckman model, team roles
•    To understand what is leadership and why it is important in today art and craft organizations

•    To characterize an effective leader

•    To understand what leadership styles are effective and when

•    To understand what motivates people

•    To develop your leadership skills

Team management and leadership are particularly important for the survival and development of small and medium enterprises, such as the art and craft firms. In the age of demographic decline, it is the quality of leadership that attracts talents, it is the leadership that builds good relationships at work, it is the leadership that drive important change and innovation as well as employee engagement and the efficiency of entire teams.

Leadership sets the direction where the firm will be tomorrow, creates strategies and inspire people to follow that direction.


• Team is a social group linked by formal and informal relationships that performs specific tasks to achieve a common goal. Organizations form teams to accomplish tasks that are too large or complex for an individual to complete. Teams are also effective for work that requires different types of skills and expertise.

• The characteristic of a team:

• A common goal - integrating all members, ensuring efficient cooperation, important for team members;

• Action plan - a vision that ensures the continuation of operations even after achieving current goals;

• Set rules - a set of binding rules,

• Clear division of roles - each member knows his role well in the team, and the members themselves are selected in such a way as to complement each other's qualifications;

• Communication code - containing elements unknown to bystanders;

• To start to build your team:

• Specify goals

• Define criteria for success

• Plan

• Determine a strategy for action

• Determine the roles and tasks and delegate permissions

• Team development model was Identified by Bruce Tuckman and offers a foundational definition of the stages teams go through during their lifecycle. Those stages are:

• Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing

• Each team needs access to each of the nine Team Role behaviours to become a high performing team. According to Belbin, the most successful teams require different type of team roles. In every team there supposed to be members that are:

- People oriented

- Action oriented

- Thinking oriented.



Bass & Bass (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications (4th ed.). New York: Free Press.

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