Image identity and reputation


Image identity and reputation
Brand, logotipo, identity, image, reputation
1. Knowing the importance of management and branding value.
2. Identify the different elements of the brands
3. Differentiate between image and brand identity.
4. Highlight the importance of business reputation to obtain greater benefits.

According to Robert Leduc: “The brand is the name, term, symbol or design, or a combination of them, assigned to a product or service, for which it is its direct responsible. This is who should make it known, identify and differentiate from the competition; it must guarantee its quality and ensure its constant improvement. ”

To be able to differentiate our company from the rest of the competitors we have to carry out a good brand management.

The logo is the materialization of the brand in an image, but the brand is not just the logo. It´s much more. The concepts of image, identity and reputation are very important for the company; since a good or bad management of it can cause us many benefits or many losses, depending on its adequate use.


• Brand management gives notoriety, through advertising and other external communications, guarantee security, relies on quality. An unknown brand has no value. The brands help identify the product, also allows comparison with others and helps the choice.

• The brands are constantly evolving. The logo is the graphic representation, and as such we have to take into account the typography, the corporate colorus and the shape of the logo. Being effective a logo has to have a number of features, such as: brevity, easy to read,that is pleasant to pronounce, rememberable, among others.

• Part of the logo, we can differentiate between Isototype, which is the symbolic part (without text) of the brand, and Imagotype, which is the iconic-textual set in which text and symbol are clearly differentiated (they can work separately). And finally, Isologo, which is the combination, text and image that are fused in the same block.

• Image, identity and reputation are three essential elements in that constitute the value of the brand. Sometimes, they are concepts that are popularly confused.

• For them, we will define each of them, and then we will differentiate from each other.

1. Image is the common conception from which audiences will judge the company.

2. Identity consists in projecting, through an internal and external communications program, the set of systems, structures and values that predominate in the company.

3. Reputation is “the perceptual representation of the company's past actions and future expectations that describe the firm's general appeal to its key interest groups when compared to its main rivals” (Forbrum, 1997)

• What differentiates the identity image is that the image is a plot of the public, that is, what customers think of our brand; while identity is what the brand wants to convey, getting it or not.

• As for reputation, it is a long-term concept that is related to audiences and the expectations that are generated around the brand.

• Fombrum and Van Riel associate reputation with 5 business attributes: Visibility, Differentiation, Authenticity, Transparency and Strength.



Fombrun, Ch. (1997). Reputation, Realizing Value form Corporate Image, Harvard Business School Press.
Fombrum, C.J. y Van Riel, C.B. (2003): Fame and Fortune. How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputations, FT Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P. (2018). Principles of Marketing, Global Edition

Leduc, R. La publicité: une force au service de l'entreprise
Villafañe, J (2004). La Buena reputación. Claves del valor intangible de las empresas. Editorial Pirámide

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