

Commercial management, sales, commercial system, variables
1. Knowing the functions of the business management and its application to sales.
2. DistiguishingDistinguishing between commercial and sales management.
3. Having a global vision of the commercial system.
4. Knowing what are the variables and difficulties of the business managementthe variables and difficulties of the business management are.

In this part, we will focus on knowing the commercial communication, from different essential elements for the enhancement of our product. Business management is a tool aimed at sales and distribution. It serves to bring the product to our customers.


• Commercial communication is one of the factors that determine success in companies. To do this, we must know what the instruments are to be able to develop it effectively. From the commercial management aimed at sales, to advertising, public relations or marketing.

• With all these ingredients we can create the most appropriate combination to give visibility and notoriety to our company in a competitive environment.

• According to Theodor Lewitt, the requirements for the competitive success of the company are the creation and loyalty of customers, the company must provide the goods and services that the market wants, the revenue must be greater than the costs, the company must define its objectives and strategies, and there must be a control system to monitor the fulfillment of the objectives and, where appropriate, rectify the decisions.

• In the marketing process there are, on the one hand, the demands of consumers, reflected in a market, and on the other hand, the products or services that companies make available to this market, either directly or through intermediaries.

• There is confusion between the commercial director and the sales director. Although they generally work in close communication and must collaborate in the development of growth strategies, there are some differences between a commercial director and a sales director.

• The sales director is responsible for meeting the sales objectives of a company and directing the sellers.

• As aThe commercial director, on the other hand, is you are more concerned with developing ways for the company to grow and finding new opportunities for the sales department. The commercial director works on the marketing strategies of the companies.

• The commercial address is in certain problems as they are, because the system contains a large number of variables. In addition, sometimes, there is a difficulty in determining the demand response, competing effects, multiple territories and multiple products, many objectives, etc.

Marketing is the link between both sides of the trade system's exchange relationship, matching supply (goods or services) with demand (needs of consumers or users).

• Marketing allows to carry out this marketing process, identifying needs and trying to meet them. • To analyze these needs, a Commercial Investigation is necessary.

• There are controllable and non-controllable variables in business management. The controllable are: Product, Price, Distribution and Promotion. The non-controllable are: market, competition and environment.




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