Management and control for Art&Craft microenterprises


Management and control for Art&Craft microenterprises
management, coordination, managerial activities, control, indicators, KPI
1.    Being aware of the necessity of management
2.    Knowing the managerial activities: planning, organising, directing people and controlling
3.    Understanding the relationships among these managerial activities and its sequence
4.    Being aware of the necessity of controlling for keeping the business focus on the goals
5.    Knowing how to set KPI indicators for the own business

Management is a fundamental activity in any business, and although we believe that technical and artistic skills are much more important in the artisanal activity, it cannot be forgotten that it is a business and the management must ensure that it is sustainable and profitable commercially and economically.

The direction usually falls to the master craftsman who must combine his technical wisdom with common sense and economic logic that ensure the continuity of his business. Management includes several activities: planning, organizing, directing people and controlling to ensure that everything is done as desired.

Control is the final activity and one of the most important as it allows us to learn from what has been done, whether good or bad, and correct the actions to improve in the future.


• In every human organization, management is necessary to ensure coordination and the achievement of the objectives.

• The direction in microenterprises usually covers all the managerial activities that correspond to the master craftsman, since there is usually no hierarchy with several levels nor specialized managers in each of the functional areas.

• Management consists in planning, organising, directing people’s performance and controlling, so that:

• plans are established (objectives, strategies, activities)

• resources are available (work areas, people, tasks, responsibilities)

• people’s performance is stimulated and enhanced (leading, communicating, motivating) and

• the results are checked to see if they correspond to what was planned (control and correction of deviations from the objectives).

• Control is the managerial function that ensures that the business progresses towards its objectives according to plan.

• It also involves several activities, such as:

• verify, as the results are observed,

• compare, as they compare with the planned objectives,

• evaluate, because it is assessed if there is deviation and if this is important, and finally

• correct, since decisions are made to correct what is not working properly.

• The control is based on indicators (KPI – key performance indicator), which are measures taken from variables that are important for a good business progress: sales figures, treasury ratios, indebtedness, product turnover, average sales time, production costs, staff hourly cost, etc.

• Knowing how to establish the most appropriate indicators for our craft business is essential and requires a good knowledge of our work processes and a good understanding of what makes it succeed or fail in it, that is, what are the critical factors for business success.




http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/management.html http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/four-functions-of-management.html

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